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gRPC compatibility

Connect fully supports the gRPC and gRPC-Web protocols, including streaming. We validate our implementation of these protocols using an extended version of Google's own interoperability tests.


Handlers support the gRPC protocol by default: they work with grpc-go, grpcurl, and any other gRPC client using TLS without any special configuration. To support gRPC clients using HTTP/2 without TLS, use as described in the deployment documentation.

Handlers also automatically support the binary gRPC-Web protocol directly, without a translating proxy like Envoy. Since modern browsers all support binary payloads, Connect doesn't support gRPC-Web's text mode: if you're using protoc-gen-grpc-web, you must use mode=grpcweb when generating code.

Many gRPC-specific tools depend on server reflection, which lets callers access your service's Protobuf schema at runtime. Connect supports server reflection with the package. Keep in mind that there are two versions of the gRPC server reflection API, and many tools (including grpcurl) still use the older one — most services should mount handlers from both grpcreflect.NewHandlerV1 and grpcreflect.NewHandlerV1Alpha.

Container orchestration and health-checking systems often support the gRPC health checking API. If you'd prefer gRPC-style health checks instead of more traditional HTTP checks, use


Clients default to using the Connect protocol. To use the gRPC or gRPC-Web protocols, use the WithGRPC or WithGRPCWeb options during client construction. If the gRPC server is using TLS, Connect clients work with no further configuration. If the gRPC server is using HTTP/2 without TLS, configure your HTTP client using as described in the deployment documentation.


There's no ironclad guide to migrating an existing grpc-go service to connect-go — every codebase uses a different subset of grpc-go features and will need a slightly different approach. Unlike many RPC framework migrations, remember that you do not need to modify your service's clients: they can continue to use their current gRPC clients. Your current Protobuf schema will also work without modification.

The particulars of your codebase will be unique, but most migrations include a few common steps:

  1. Begin generating code with protoc-gen-connect-go. During the migration, your code can import connect-go and grpc-go code without any problems.
  2. Change your service implementations to accept connect.Request-wrapped Protobuf messages, and wrap your returned response messages using connect.NewResponse. Rather than using context-based APIs for reading and writing metadata, use the connect.Request and connect.Response types directly.
  3. Where necessary, change your service implementations to return Connect errors. Connect and gRPC use the same error codes, so this is often a straightforward replacement of status.Error with connect.NewError.
  4. Migrate any streaming handlers to use the Connect stream types. These are broadly similar to their grpc-go equivalents.
  5. Once you've migrated your service implementations to Connect, switch your main function to use a net/http server instead of grpc-go. Remember to use h2c if your service's clients aren't using TLS. At this point, you're halfway done: your service should compile, and you could deploy it without migrating your calls to downstream services.
  6. Next, tackle your downstream calls. Switch to Connect's generated client types, and wrap their request messages using connect.NewRequest. Rather than using context-based APIs, set request headers directly on the request. Rather than using call options, read response metadata directly from the connect.Response. Don't forget to use WithGRPC when constructing your client, and if necessary configure your HTTP clients to use h2c.
  7. Where necessary, switch from status.Code and status.FromError to connect.CodeOf and the standard library's errors.As.
  8. Migrate any streaming calls to the Connect stream types.
  9. You're done! Unless your service is in the same repository as its clients, you can stop generating code with protoc-gen-go-grpc.